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SEO Cheatsheet for Real Estate

in SEO & Website Tips, SEO Cheatsheets. Last Updated on August 30th, 2023

If you’re a Real Estate Agent or in the real estate ecosystem, you know you’ve got tough competition at every turn. You’re in an industry that’s dominated by huge sites like Zillow and

It’s very daunting to be up against these massively successful sites, but you do have an advantage. When you serve a local market, you can really tailor your website and your content to be location-specific, which can give you an upper hand when attracting traffic to your site and generating leads for your business.

According to the 2016 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 86% of home buyers consider real estate websites the most useful source of information when buying a home.

The first step that 44% of home buyers make when house hunting is to look online.

So, you clearly need to make sure your site is optimised for search engines. SEO is an ongoing project for all websites, but there are a few things you can get out of the way to make sure you’ve got the basics down right.

seo for real estate

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